Search our curated library
When you ask a question on Gems, we search our curated library of resources using AI. Each resource in our library is a link to a third party website (blog, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc.).
Our machine learning technology and human reviewers (real founders and experts) vet each resource before we add it to our library, which keeps noise off our app. Here's what we look for:
- Tactical, Detailed, & Insightful: Provides sufficient tactical detail that a founder can decide whether it applies to their circumstance and then act on it. Offers unique insight, whether it be a framework, template, idea, rationale, or step-by-step guide. Isn't empty fluff. Isn't vague.
- Credible: The source is has demonstrated experience in doing what they're writing about or backs up their claims with data. We love articles written by founders, VCs, accelerators, or operators with past success or a track record discussed in the article.
- Relevant: We prioritize recent articles with advice relevant to first-time founders based in the US. Often, these resources reflect discussion and best-practices from Silicon Valley.
We're constantly exploring and indexing the web to find new articles that meet these criteria to add to our library!
We use AI search to traverse our curated library (rather than keyword search), as we believe this method provides more relevant results on average. We show a relevance score for each set of results, which reflects how well our underlying AI search software estimates that our results answer your question. This score isn't always accurate, but provides a starting guideline.
Expand to the world wide web
Our curated library is still a work in progress. Sometimes when you search, we won't have any good links for you. (Eep, sorry!)
When this happens, we run a wider search of the Internet, using a search tool called The results from this wider web search aren't curated or vetted by us. However, they still sometimes include great links and are worth a skim – we think they're better than Google's results.
If you find a result you love from this wider web search, leave us feedback, so we can add it to our library!
Still stuck? Get human support
If you still can't find what you're looking for, shoot us an email (! We'll do our best to help you find a link that answers your question.